Cadbury Fluffies are back to make Easter ‘egg-ceptional

Cadbury South Africa has announced the return of its much-loved Easter range.

Last Easter, Cadbury painted South Africa purple when it launched its much-anticipated Easter range: Cadbury Fluffies (chocolate covered Mallow Eggs) and two Hollow Eggs (one filled with Whispers and the other Astros).

This Easter, Cadbury will offer its fans the same delicious range of chocolate covered Mallow and Hollow eggs, along with those three loveable characters, Fluffy the bunny, Felix the fox and Squeak the squirrel.

Cadbury fluffies

Cadbury South Africa has announced the return of its much-loved Easter range

Cadbury Easter Egg factory

Last Easter, Fluffy was named the Easter Bunny and Head of the Cadbury Easter Egg Factory after he successfully rescued Easter Chicken and the Cadbury Easter Eggs from Police Chief Hippo.  However, there is one problem; Fluffy does not actually have the ‘eggs-perience’ to run a chocolate factory. So, with Easter drawing near, Fluffy is going to need your help to save Easter and has promised to sweeten things up by rewarding you generously.

Lend Fluffy a paw

Keep your eyes on Cadbury social media pages between February and April. If you help Fluffy by lending him a paw, you can stand a chance to win EGGceptional prizes, including some epic family holiday getaways. Families and friends can also look forward to interactive Easter egg hunts, with dates and country wide locations to be announced in the coming weeks.

‘We know that families and friends look forward to spending time together during this special time of the year. We hope that the return of the delicious Cadbury Easter range, character stories, along with our digital and real-life Easter egg hunts will help make Easter just a little more EGGstraordinary,’ says Lara Sidersky, Mondelez SA category lead for Chocolate.

The Cadbury Easter range will be back on shelves in all major retail stores from February 2020.

Follow the adventures of Fluffy with Cadbury on @CadburyDairyMilkSA on Facebook or @Cadbury_SA on Twitter