• Coatings Issue 2 | Vol 8 | 2020

    Businesses have endured an extremely difficult period. If you have received this edition of Coatings SA, and your doors are open, your staff operational, and you are finding new ways to innovate and grow your business, I tip my hat to you. And that is where I am leaving the talk about Covid-19, the economy, and anything else we can turn into a negative conversation. I am
    much more excited about what has happened since our March issue of Coatings SA! SAPMA’s AGM went 100% digital, and it was an excellent broadcast. Yes, they experienced a minor hiccup or latency issue, but overall the meeting was great. Tara Benn has also assumed the position of executive director at SAPMA.

    We wish Tara well, and I am excited to work with her. Coatings SA did a quick-fire interview with four of the SAPMA executive members in this issue and we’ll feature more in the next, read the interviews on page 24 and 25. Tara’s appointment also means the departure of one of this industry’s major cogs – Deryck Spence. Deryck did not want to reminisce about the past, but I have to say a couple of things about him. It was around 2012 that I received a phone call from Eben
    van Zyl telling me that I had to set up an appointment with a guy called Deryck Spence. In Eben’s words, “Deryck is going to
    keep you busy!”

    How true those words were, one phone call, a meeting, a lunch and voila a relationship was started. Deryck, as you start a new chapter, I am going to miss our conversations, and those ‘quick’ lunchtime meals to discuss almost every single issue
    plaguing the coatings industry. Nothing could deter you from achieving your desired outcome. Enjoy your retirement!

  • Industry stalwart retires
    Benefits of being a SAPMA member
    Calcium Carbonate v Dolomie
  • News: World Coatings Council praises SA
    News: Ferro Group launches 80% alcohol-based hand sanitiser
    News: Praise for SAPMA’s sterling stalwart
    News: Benefits of joining SAPMA
    News: SAPMA again raises alarm over methanol
    News: Plascon has rebranded
    Feature: Calcium Carbonate v Dolomite

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