Green roof insulation material

Starlite® has been successfully applied in commercial and industrial roof and side-cladding insulation applications. (Image: Supplied)

Manufactured in South Africa since 2004, Starlite® has been successfully applied in commercial and industrial roof and side-cladding insulation applications.

“Green”-roof insulation material

Starlite® is one of the most eco-friendly products available, as it includes up to 80% post-consumer recycled glass. It is made up of a 12kg/m2 density lightweight fibre­glass insulating blanket, which is com­bined with a scrim-reinforced aluminium foil, white or black laminate facing for over­-purlin applications. The fibreglass is pro­duced from molten glass, which is made from natural raw materials such as sand, limestone and soda ash.

The raw materials are mixed and melted in an enclosed furnace, using a 100% electric melting process. This ensures the com­plete absence of particulate emissions and exhaust gas fumes for a pollution-free production operation.

Bonded non-toxic Insulation material

The Starlite® production process does not produce any blowing agents, is CFC-free and does not affect the earth’s strato­spheric ozone layer, ensuring it has zero ozone-depleting potential (ODP).

The molten glass is spun into thousands of fibres, bonded together with an inert bind­er and then heat-cured to produce a re­silient, non-toxic blanket. The aluminium foil/white/black laminate is glued to the fi­breglass base, using a specially produced water-based adhesive to ensure that no solvent fumes are released.

Key benefits of Starlite®

  • It is the first commercially available roof insulation material in South Africa to achieve an Al fire rating, according to the SANS 10177-11 fire-testing protocol as part of the National Building Regu­lations
  • Effective thermal and acoustic insulat­ing material, with a thermal conductivi­ty (K-value) of 0,039W/m.K and a noise reduction co-efficient (NRC) value of 0,65 at 50mm thickness
  • Easy installation in conjunction with the sheeting and cladding, offering excel­lent aesthetic appeal
  • Brilliant performance-to-cost ratios compared to other insulation materials available on the market and therefore very affordable.